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Pose Landmark Detection


The usePoseDetection hook initializes and manages a pose detection instance using the MediaPipe library. It provides a convenient way to set up pose detection in a React Native application using the Vision Camera library.


import { usePoseDetection } from 'path/to/poseDetection';

const poseDetection = usePoseDetection(callbacks, runningMode, model, options);


  • callbacks: An object containing callback functions for handling detection results and errors.

    • onResults: A function that is called when pose detection results are available.
    • onError: A function that is called when an error occurs during pose detection.
  • runningMode: The mode in which the pose detection should run. It can be one of the following:

  • model: A string specifying the model to be used for pose detection.

  • options (optional): An object containing additional configuration options for the pose detection. All properties are optional.

    • numPoses: The maximum number of poses to detect. Default is 1.
    • minPoseDetectionConfidence: The minimum confidence score for pose detection. Default is 0.5.
    • minPosePresenceConfidence: The minimum confidence score for pose presence. Default is 0.5.
    • minTrackingConfidence: The minimum confidence score for pose tracking. Default is 0.5.
    • shouldOutputSegmentationMasks: A boolean indicating whether to output segmentation masks. Default is false.
    • delegate: The delegate to be used for pose detection. It can be one of the following:
    • mirrorMode: The mirror mode for the camera. It can be one of the following:
      • "no-mirror": No mirroring.
      • "mirror": Mirror the camera output.
      • "mirror-front-only": Mirror the camera output only for the front camera. Default is "mirror-front-only".
    • forceOutputOrientation: The orientation to force for the output image. It can be one of the following:
      • "portrait"
      • "portrait-upside-down"
      • "landscape-left"
      • "landscape-right"
    • forceCameraOrientation: The orientation to force for the camera image. It can be one of the following:
      • "portrait"
      • "portrait-upside-down"
      • "landscape-left"
      • "landscape-right"
    • fpsMode: The frame rate mode for the camera. It can be "none" or a number specifying the target frame rate.


An object containing the following properties:


import React from 'react';
import { usePoseDetection } from 'path/to/poseDetection';
import { Camera } from 'react-native-vision-camera';

const PoseDetectionComponent = () => {
const callbacks = {
onResults: (results) => {
console.log('Pose detection results:', results);
onError: (error) => {
console.error('Pose detection error:', error);

const poseDetection = usePoseDetection(callbacks, 'LIVE_STREAM', 'pose_model', {
// numPoses: 1,
// minPoseDetectionConfidence: 0.5,
// minPosePresenceConfidence: 0.5,
// minTrackingConfidence: 0.5,
// shouldOutputSegmentationMasks: false,
// delegate: 'GPU',
// mirrorMode: 'mirror-front-only',
// forceOutputOrientation: 'portrait',
// forceCameraOrientation: 'portrait',
// fpsMode: 30,

return (
style={{ flex: 1 }}

export default PoseDetectionComponent;

This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the usePoseDetection hook, including its parameters, return values, and an example of how to use it in a React Native component.